Author Archives: admin

Hosted in the Cloud

Just an update to say that this site was moved from being hosted on our business internet connection to now being hosted on a server in Amazon’s EC2 cloud.  Amazon offers a year of free EC2 access for anyone who signs up.  So far, I’ve hit a few bumps but the experience has taught me a lot and I now feel much more confident in my skills around Amazon EC2.

Updated Pro-96 Scanning on Linn County

Hello All!  Back again with an updated Arc96 file ready for you to upload to your Pro92/Pro2096

–> Download Cedar Rapids P25 August 2014 Here <–

In this revision I have broken out the banks in such a manner to easily allow the user to switch between scanning CRPD/CRFD/County and Fire.

Bank 0: Linn P25: CRPD
Bank 1: Linn P25: Sheriff
Bank 2: Linn P25: CRFD
Bank 3: Linn P25: County Fire
Bank 4: Linn P25: Ambulance
Bank 5: Linn P25: Johnson County All
Bank 6: Johnson P25: Johnson County All
Bank 7: HAM Radio
Bank 8: FMRS/GMRS/Etc
Bank 9: IP&L Line Crew

Pro 96 Scanning on the new Linn County System

Well the Linn County system has come online, and despite what I had originally thought, this scanner CAN be used to receive the new Linn County P25 system (CRPD, CRFD, etc)!

There are a few gotcha’s that are explained in depth on Radio Reference:

These basically boil down to: update your scanner DSP to 1.4 and don’t expect to hear everything.

That said, I’ve created an updated Arc96 file ready for you to upload to your Pro92/Pro2096

–> Download Cedar Rapids P25 March 2014 Here <–

Google Doc that explains the talkgroups within the banks available here.

Bank 0: Linn Area Law Enforcement (CRPD, Linn, Marion)
Bank 1: Linn Area Fire (CRFD, Linn, Marion)
Bank 2: Johnson County All (JoCo, ICPD)
Bank 3: RACOM South CR
Bank 4: RACOM North CR
Bank 5: FRS/GMRS
Bank 6: Air & Rail
Bank 7: HAM Radio
Bank 8: OPEN
Bank 9: IP&L Line Crew

Now available on IPv6

This site is now available on IPv6 with full functionality. AAAA 2001:470:c63d:5::abc:123:

If you’re on an IPv6 network (like Verizon 4G LTE) just going to connects you through the IPv6!